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Film Terminology Glossary

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Layout Artist
A person responsible for setting up every shot and planning the action that will take position within each scene, whether it be live action or CGI-based.

Lead Role
The most important character in a film, often recognized by gender.

Member of the art department who is in charge of move gangs and/or set dressers and reviews to the set decorator.

An optical system used by a digital camera to focus an picture onto movie stock or picture indicator.

Most shows use synthetic illumination when shooting for various technical and creative reasons, both on location or on a set. Lighting style is designed by the director of photography in assessment with the director, and is the liability of the electrical department.

Lighting Crew
A group of specialists who install, function, and maintain lighting style.

Lighting Technician
A member of the electrical department that is sensible for working lighting equipment on a set.

Lined Script
A copy of the capturing script which is ready by the program manager during production to indicate, via notations and vertical lines directly onto the program webpages, exactly what protection has been taken. A given vertical line indicates, via the line's start and end point, what script material is covered in a particular shot, and whether given discussion or action is on-screen or off-screen in the taken, indicated by the range modifying between directly and curly respectively. Different shaded collections usually signify certain types of shots: close-up, place, steadicam, etc. Each vertical line is also notated with the standing of the taken(e.g. "3C"), the printed takes (e.g. "1, 3, and 4"), and a brief shot description (e.g. "M2S Rolf & Liza"). The lined script also frequently incorporates the script supervisor's script notes on the facing pages for a given scene. The lined script is used by the film editor as a reference to what coverage was shot and to changes made to the script during production. Lined programs give publishers a fast perspective of all available coverage at a look, so that he or she can make fast modifying choices without having to type through all the footage continuously.

Location Filming
Filming which happens at an area not built specifically for the development. Typically this is either outside, a well-known location, or a real place which suffices.

Location Scout
A person who looks for appropriate places for filming.

Long shot
A camera shot from a great distance, usually showing the characters as very small in comparison to their surroundings.

A writer of song lyrics.

The terms sung in a song; also represents their author.