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Raja Shamraj Rajwant Bahadur

Raja Shamraj Rajwant l3ahadur was the son of Raja Rai Rayan Bahadur who was one of the nobles of the State. The ancestors of Raja Shamraj Bahadur were Peshkars to the Nizams and still earlier Treasurers and Accountants to Shah Jehan, the Mughal Emperor. The ancestors of the Raja came to Deccan during the reign of Nizam-ul-Mulk, Asaf Jab I. Raja Shamraj Rajwant Bahadur was the elder son of Raja Lakshman Raj and was born on 15th August, 1898. When Raja Shamraj’s father died he was 16 years old, therefore the State was put under the control of court of ward. The Raja was educated in Madrasa-i-Aliya and later he was given training in the Revenue Department. He was a linguist knowing English, Urdu, Persian and Sanskrit. In 1935 he became the Minister for P.W.D. The Raja’s library was famous with some rare manuscript books.

In 1927 the State was returned from court of ward to the family. Raja Shamraj opened several primary schools and provided medical facilities in his Jagir. The seventh Nizam showed considerable interest in the affairs of the Raja’s family and his Jagir and often honoured Raja Shamraj and his brothers Raja Trimbak Raj and Raja Dhundi Raj with gifts. In 1920 on the occasion of Nizam Vil’s birthday, the Raja was honoured with the title of “Rajwant”. This was evidence of the esteem with which the Nizam regarded his family.

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