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Golconda Fort Asmangadh Fort
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Chandragiri was the later capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. The forts and Mahals at the place are attractions for tourists. The fort is said to have been built in AD 1,000 by Immadi Narasimha Yadavaraya and has been improved in later time by the Vijayanagara Kings. The granite turrets and arched windows of Asman Garh stand atop a hill some distance ahead of the Hyderabad TV tower. The palace now houses an archaeological museum.
How to Reach This Place :

  • Road :

    Hyderbad, being Capital city is well conected by Road from all major cities in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharastra and Orissa.

  • Rail :

    Being headquarter of South Central Railway , Well connected from all major cities of India. Hyderabad & Secunderabad Rly Stations.

  • Air :

    Has international airport.

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